Savings & Deposits
Daily Deposit
A savings product that helps you as a merchant / business owner. You can save money and make withdrawals using “Tanda Terima”. With “Tanda Terima”, you can use it easily like as payment in a transaction with your business partners.
Features and Benefits :
- The amount first deposit: minimum IDR 1.000.000, –
- Minimum balance of precipitation: IDR 500.000, –
- Terms a new account:
– Submit a copy of ID card
– A signature Speciment
– Submit a copy of SIUP, TDP and NPWP
- The withdrawal of deposit is done by filling in “Tanda Terima” that is issued by Kospin JASA to the owner of the account
- The Withdrawals can be done at Kospin JASA Office online realtime.
- Price of “Tanda Terima” Book :
– “Tanda Terima” Book 25 sheets IDR 50.000, –
- Monthly administration fee: IDR 37.500, –
- Saving services (interest): 2.00% per year
Safari Savings (Benefit-Conscious of Co-operative)

A saving with money collective club system that is benefit through the screening done every month, you will have the opportunity to gain a certain amount of money that has been determined and a prize of Honda motorcycle that will be given at certain periods. At the end of the period, you will get the opportunity to win Extra Rewards with millions rupiah cash money as a prize.
One more privilege of SAFARI Savings is that the participants will be invited for gathering and leisure time with all the other participants in the tourism spots in the island of Java. SAFARI savings get awards from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the savings product, with the most tour participants in Indonesia.
Features and Benefits :
- Monthly regular savings
- Nominal savings for each month is IDR 300.000,-
- Participants is allowed to join more than 1 (one) participant number
- Savings period is 36 months
- The lucky participants will get the grand prize in a monthly screening and it will be exempt from the next monthly payment (finished as a SAFARI member).
- Savings can not be withdrawn before the due date. Participants who resign before the savings period ends, thats will be charged a penalty :
– Participants who resign at 19 to 36 months will be charged of 20% deduction
- SAFARI savings can be used as a collateral if the loan has come into at least a half of period or after the eighteen months according to the rules
- Bonus of disbursement savings & interesting souvenir to every participants who deposit fluently
Term Deposit
This savings is very beneficial, especially when you have a planned program, because it is available in a variety of periods, with competitive savings benefit (interest).
Features and Benefits
- Savings option period : 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.
- Interest rates:
– 3 months : 7.00% per year
– 6 months : 8.00% per year
– 12 months : 8.00% per year
- Term Deposit can be used as collateral for loans with terms & conditions apply.
TAKOP (Tabungan Koperasi / Cooperative Savings)
The easy and convenience of saving you can enjoy the TAKOP Kospin JASA. Realtime online services with a network of service throughout Indonesia. Your comfort and safety is our priority.
Features and Benefits
- Initial deposit and minimum balance settles IDR 50.000, –
- Terms of opening a new account:
– Fill out the registration form
– Submit a copy of ID card
– Specimen of signature
- Low administrative fee
- Account opening, deposits and withdrawals can be made throughout the Kospin Jasa office services (online) on days and hours of work.
- Autodebt / automatic debit for repayment of loans, interest and to deposit Safari Savings, Pundi Artha JASA Savings, Sikesra, Hari Raya Savings, Prima Savings, and Qurban Savings
- “Gelegar Takop Lucky Draw” with Billions Rupiah Cash Money as the Prizes
- Each monthly average balance of at least IDR 500,000, – entitled to 1 point, apply multiplication with rounding down.
- Points will fall once it is included in the screening
Get a Convenience Transaction
- You will get facility of a Debit Card Kospin JASA Visa Electron in cooperation with PT Bank Permata Tbk
- Debit Card Kospin JASA Visa Electron can be used for transactions at more than 25,000 ATMs across Indonesia (Jewel ATM, ATM ALTO, ATM Bersama and ATM Prima / BCA). Debit card Visa Electron Kospin JASA can also be used as a valid payment card and accepted at millions of merchants with the logo Visa / Visa Electron around the world
- Kospin JASA Call Center Services for ease of informations and finding solution to any problems in transactions during 7 days a week
Immediately open TAKOP and get Kospin JASA Debit Card Visa Electron for ease of transacting with a broad and global access.
Coop Day Savings (Harkop Savings)
Make sure your saving is invested in Kospin JASA. As one of the Best and the Biggest Cooperatives in Indonesia, your deposit fund will be secured and you will enjoy an attractive interest rate and other lucky draw prizes.
Features and Benefits
- Time of deposit: 12 months
- High interest rates
- The interest rate is calculated based on the actual number of days (1 year counted 365 days)
- Interest can be paid at the beginning of deposits, every month, every 3 months, or once at the end of the savings
Cash Facility Every Time You Need
- Although the savings over a period of 12 months, Harkop Savings can be used as collateral for loans that will direct the liquid on the same day when you need it
- Loans with very low interest and daily calculated
Easy Requirements
- Minimal deposit IDR 100,000 (one hundred thousand rupiah) and maximum unlimited
- Submit a copy of a valid ID card
- The cost of stamp duty at the time of opening the account in accordance with the applicable provision
Lucky Draw Prizes Program
- Each multiple of IDR 100,000 (one hundred thousand rupiah), you will get 1 (one) point sweepstakes
- Points will be drawn every year around Day of Cooperatives, between the months of July-August
- Total prizes sweepstakes worth hundreds of millions of rupiah
Labbaika Savings
For those of you who are planning to do the Hajj, now you can prepare it with a variety of convenience:
Easily to Open the Account
- Requirements:
– Submit a copy of a valid ID card
– A specimen signature
- Initial deposit of only IDR 200.000, –
- You can arrange the amount money for next deposit according to your ability
Safe and Secured
- Kospin JASA is cooperated with the Beneficiary Bank of Deposit for Operational Cost of Hajj (BPS BPIH) that has been appointed by the government
- The cooperation is selected with BPS BPIH that is online with the network of Siskohat Ministry/ Department of Religious Affairs so as to obtain the certainty of Hajj quota
- Kospin Jasa is also cooperated with several KBIH in service office areas
Advantages and Facilities
- Souvenir/ gift obtained both from Kospin Jasa and the Beneficiary Bank of BPIH Deposit
- Easily to register both at the Beneficiary Bank of Hajj Deposit and to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, by being accompanied by Kospin Jasa officer
- Gathering event with the Board of Kospin Jasa, dine in together, and spiritual sermon before the departure to the Holy Land
- If there is unsufficient fund but you are really eager to go for Hajj, Kospin Jasa will help you by providing the bailout fund with a maximum plafond of IDR 20.000.000 (twenty million rupiah)
- The bailout fund for Hajj that we gave is without collateral and free administration charge
Pundi Arta Jasa Savings
A saving with money collective club system for such an adequate class. Every month, there will be millions rupiah cash money as the prize, and at the certain months there will be a prize of Honda motorcycle. At the last of the period is provided dozens of prize with a total of hundreds million rupiah. You are also participated in a tour event along with the Safari savings participants.
Features and Benefits
- Type of Savings: Monthly regular savings
- Nominal savings for each month is IDR 500.000,- (five hundred thousand rupiah)
- Savers can take more than 1 (one) number of participant savings
- The time saving is 24 (twenty four) months
- Savings can not be taken prior to the due date .
- Savings is able to be used as a loan collateral if it has been coming into at least a half of period or after the 12th (twelfth) month according to the rules
- Each month will be screening to win the prizes include:
– 10 (ten) cash money as a consolation prize @ IDR 200.000,-
- Participants are eligible to participate the screening to get the grand prize bonus of 1 (one) Honda Motorcycle unit that will be held on first and thirteenth month with a condition that the participants have to put a full deposit in their savings account.
- Participants are eligible to a free tour facility of Kospin JASA
- The participants who have not put a deposit until the deadline, they cannot participate in prize screening and tour program.
- The participants who get the grand prize, they are still required to deposit their savings until the end of the period.
Prima Savings
Join a participant Savings Prima, product from Kospin JASA. With regular payments each month, you have chance to enjoy free tours abroad and other popular tourist attractions as well as the end of the period were screening prize draw for the lucky participants.
Features and Benefits
– Types of deposits: the regular monthly savings
– Regular deposits per month for IDR 6.000.000, –
– Savings Period is 24 months
– Savers can have more than 1 (one) number of participants
– Auto-debit deposit from parent account
– No monthly administration fee
– Savings can not be withdrawn before the due date
– Bonus disbursement of deposits at the end of the period
– Free tourist facilities with popular domestic destinations/ foreign countries, the following allowance tourist
– Can be used as collateral if the loan has been entered at least half the period or after the 12th month according to the rules
– Filtering prize at the end of the period for participants who regularly deposits worth tens of millions of rupiah
Hari Raya Savings
Enjoy your time with Hari Raya Saving of Kospin JASA.
- Weekly savings
- Savings Period is 44 weeks
- Nominal deposit per week is IDR 25.000,- apply multiplication
- Deposits can not be taken prior to maturity.
- Can be used as collateral if the loan has been entered at least half the period or after week 22 (twenty two) according to the rules
- Facilities / perks of Hari Raya Savings:
- Parcel in the form of a voucher of IDR 37.500 (fifty thousand rupiah) to deposit IDR 1.100.000,- (with no delinquent payments until the end of the period)
- For the highest storage in each office will receive a cashback bonus without raffled
- Sweepstakes gadget at the end of the period
Qurban Savings
Features and Benefits
- Types of savings: regular monthly savings
- Savings deposit of at least IDR 200.000, – per month for individual qurban (goat) and a minimum of IDR 1.000.000, – per month for qurban group (cow / buffalo).
- Maximum deposit savings per month is not limited
- Savings over a period of 12 months
- Disbursement of savings in cash no later than 10 days before the Eid al-Adha
Enjoy Advantages
- Deposit can be cash or debit accounts
- No monthly administration fee
- Debit facility as a group account for qurban group / cow (a maximum of 7 people in a group)
- Additional funding for cutting costs at the end of the period savings qurban
- Provided prize worth 10 goats at the end of the period